Natural Spaces Are in High-Demand

Natural Spaces Are in High-Demand

Feb 20th 2019

Many people rely on Gainesville landscaping to decorate their homes with lush, vibrant plants and other natural elements. Besides impressing friends and neighbors, natural spaces provide a place to relax and practice a variety of hobbies. Experts with Evergreen Lawn Care explain this growing trend and offer tips for creating a low-maintenance landscape.

Ways to Go Native With Natural Spaces

According to Gainesville lawn care professionals, the basic concept behind natural design is to incorporate native plant communities into a designed landscape. Steadily increasing in popularity, this approach is more than just a trend. Natural spaces touch on the human ability and drive to restore natural environments for the well-being of plants and animals in addition to aesthetics. These three tips from Evergreen Lawn Care can help you incorporate natural spaces into your home.

Choose Native Plants

If you want to give your landscape the best opportunity to grow and thrive, consider using plant species native to the area. The benefits of planting Florida-friendly species include water savings, simpler maintenance and the promotion of a healthy environment.

  • Plants native to Florida have already developed their own defenses against many pests and diseases, requiring no harmful pesticides that can poison waterways, animals and beneficial insects.
  • Florida plants have already adapted to their environment and require little to no fertilizer, no pesticides and minimal pruning, saving you time and effort.
  • Native plants require little irrigation beyond natural rainfall
  • Native plants, birds, butterflies, and other harmless insects are made for one another. Enjoy an increase in native wildlife when you incorporate native plants.

Evergreen Lawn Care recommends options such as the Cabbage Palm, Silver Palmetto and Firebush, all of which thrive in local conditions and coexist easily with other plants, animals and insects in the area.

If you are looking for a lawn care company knowledgeable about Florida-friendly species, contact Evergreen Lawn Care.

Opt For Low-Maintenance Landscapes

Contributing to the benefits of natural spaces, many native plants require little upkeep, minimal irrigation, very little (if any) fertilizer and no use of pesticides. For low-maintenance landscaping Gainesville, FL, residents can easily manage, we recommend these Florida-friendly options.

  • Azalea: This flower is a classic Southern plant. The native azalea is drought-tolerant and needs little maintenance other than occasional pruning to maintain its shape.
  • Junipers: Junipers are shrubs native to Florida that are drought-tolerant and only require half a day of sun.
  • Fringetree: This is a small deciduous tree that bursts into bloom in the spring. It is ideal for planting in urban areas, as it is tolerant of pollution and adapts easily to different soils. The fringe tree is easy to care for and has few disease or pest problems.

Make Use of Rain Gardens

Another shortcut to lawn care in Gainesville, FL, is rain gardens. These are made up of native shrubs, perennials and flowers planted in a small depression in the ground, usually on natural slopes. A rain garden is designed to retain rainwater that flows from roofs, driveways, patios or lawns. They are a simple way to reduce erosion, return water to aquifers and help control stormwater runoff.

Consider including these native flowering and ornamental plants in your rain garden:

  • Blue Flag Iris
  • Swamp Sunflower
  • Spider Lily
  • Florida Gamma Grass
  • Wiregrass

Hire Lawn Care Services In Gainesville, FL

For lawn service Gainesville, FL, residents can rely on, contact Evergreen Lawn Care. From choosing the best native plants for a natural space to maintaining your landscape through pruning, irrigation repairs, debris removal and more, we will help you create a beautiful yard without sweating it. Call us today!